Saturday, November 16, 2019

Frankenpup 64

Hello there, a long time ago i started a stupid puppylinux based distro, a really hacky, badly put together piece of crap that "just works" for many years it was my only OS, and it was really hard to keep up with the times since in the way systemd showed up and fucked us all hard, udev was forked, and many other things happened until it was virtually impossible to keep up and i just gave up on it. After that i worked on my own distro: a 64 bits, built from scratch system but after many failed attempts to create something "puppylike" with a live version and able to install it as live to the hdd failed miserably so i went back to my frankenpup and tried to make it more modern, "game friendly" and compatible with the newer vulkan implementations but still fast and lightweight, the road was hard, had to learn how everything works from the init process, the intrd structure, how udev works and so many linux subsystems and daemons that i almost went fucking insane in the road BUT it all went good in 2018 i was able to create a 64bits puplet, built with a modded WoofCE (puppylinux build system) using puppy base packages, slackware 14.4 multilib packages and some compiled from source pacakges.

Now i'm really proud of my creation, it was a real pain to make puppy go modern, i still remember the pain it was to get hal, udisk and all that on a puppy system back in the day (first entry on this blog) now i have a 5.x kernel a WORKING intel/nvidia hybrid graphics system, proper hardware detection, vulkan wiht dxvk, multilib and many other modern features, all of them on a really small puppylinux based system.

The puplet works fairly well, been testing Steam's Proton system on it and got really good FPS with windows native games like Guild Wars 2, warframe, Fallout 4 and the Sims 4.

Even if ti was compiled moostly for intel/nvidia machines it also works fine on AMDGPU modern GPUs with fairly good performance.

Next version will be 1.3 and will be posted here alongside with the changelog just like in the old times.

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