Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Took me a dammn while to get wcpufreq to work on my i7 with intel_pstate
but here we are, it should work on any "iX" processor


the intel_pstate driver was pretty straightforward on my machine:
- powersaver
- performance

and wcpufreq didn't liked that and insisted on using the old way of freq 
scaling. With this small set of changes it should actually work on the newer 
intel CPUs and won't try to load stupid shit like the amd_freq_sensitivity 
driver (duh)

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

wine staging + vulkan loader + vkd3d first stable release

This release is a working wine 5.6, commit 5e75310837e5ec77ebc361d689ea3279fa49ebac 
with custom patches:

    -> changes to 0079-ntdll-server-Revert-to-old-implementation-of-hung-qu patch
    ->commented out the whole dlls/ntdll/debugtools.c patch since it's currently 
      applied by wine staging (0001-libwine-Add-process-specific-debug-channels.patch)
    -> server_select() now takes 5 arguments instead of 4

This release includes:
-wine + wine-staging
-game related patches (via proton-ge-custom/patches)
-vkd3d (wine dx12 implementation for vulkan)
-vulkan headers + spirv headers
-vulkan loader
-spirv tools
-gstreamer + plugins base + plugins good + deps

should work on any puppy or puppt based distro, but be aware i'm using
Glibc-2.31 and i believe wine ntdll may throw a fit on older versions.
