Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuxguitar (teh linux guitar pro)

Hello again normal people, now i bring you this... *cars crashing* TUXGUITAR, yeah it's the damn linux solution to guitar pro, it is able to open guitar pro files and everything like that, well without anything to say but GO SUCK A SOCK!! enjoy (IT NEEDS JAVA (JRE))




Wednesday, April 7, 2010

some KDE 4.2 stuffs xD

Hello normal people today i'm glad to bring to you this! "KDE4.2 BASE, LIBS AND DEPS", i hope you enjoy it. deps >> so many dotpets to install!! how much fun =) kdebase >> boooring kdelibs >> =) kdebindings >> because they are too lazy to put this and libs on the same package D: and that's all for today folks, stay tuned for more weird thing to come chao, arrivederchi, bye, sayonnara, anything i'm out.